"To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul's paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too easily satisfied religionist, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart." -A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God


could it be?

could it be? what is "it" anyway? i heard louie giglio say once, "we talk about God the father and God the son alot, but what about the third person in the trinity? i mean, we pray 'God, please send IT down upon us'. Oh, yeah. IT is a HE - the Holy Spirit." louie's right. we (perhaps as good baptists, we don't want people to think we're weird - too late) seem to run away from any kind of passionate expression to God. well, this weekend can punch that kind of opinion straight in the face. that's what i'm talkin' about, and that's what i'm talkin' about!

perhaps what we miss is that the Holy Spirit moves us towards the love of God and THAT is revival. i've heard these kinds of messages that keas brought at the bcm beach retreat before - but going into this weekend, God had already revealed his grace to me in a way that i hadn't felt in a long time. when passionate calls to stand firm in my identity as a child of God, to love Him recklessly, and to fight for the gospel in the world hit me - i was (in the words of andrew trewick) 'done, son!' i don't know how theologically sound this is, but i've been thinking about the passage in acts which talks about a baptism of the Holy Spirit. perhaps this is not some kind of 'one time event' that we argue over timing about, but rather an outpouring of passion for God that comes when one truly believes God loves him no matter what junk he is carrying. then repentance comes. then passion comes. then the gospel moves into all the world.

this morning i twice walked into the bcm and felt the presence of the Holy Spirit there for the first time in awhile. don't let Him go. read. study. worship. pray. do whatever you have to, but don't let go.

could 'it' be?

yes, He is.


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