"To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul's paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too easily satisfied religionist, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart." -A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God


new beginnings

This morning I moved into my friend's apartment for a summer sub-lease. It's a very interesting feeling - taking over someone's home. It sort of feels like taking over their life. But that's not true.

Today I begin a new chapter in my life. School's out, my summer job starts on Monday, I've got a new place for a few months...now is my new year's, now is my time of new beginnings. For the first time I am COMPLETELY on my own - no roommates, a job - and I'm really at a loss as to what to feel. Should I be excited? Terrified? Feel like an idiot for writing this at all? Possibly all of the above. At any rate, this is an exciting new time for me, so in keeping with new beginnings, I would like to offer my own resolutions - a hope of what is to come. Perhaps the legacy of this summer will be something that God will use mightily in my life. I pray it is so.

1. Looking at my health as a way to glorify God, not to pick up girls. This means working out to build my strength and stamina for His glory, buying food that glorifies God and prompts me to eat in a healthy manner.

2. Learning to organize, both as a work ethic and as a personal choice. Since God has given me the blessing of a space to call home for a time that I am solely responsible for, I must make it usable always.

3. Pursuing knowledge. I have time this summer to spend preparing myself for the challenges ahead of me, or I have time to waste in pursuit of meaningless mediocrity. The answer I choose will have great bearing on much of my life.

4. Journeying into a closer walk with God. Again, I have time - but much of it will be taken up in doing much FOR God, not necessarily getting to know Him or being with Him. From spiritual disciplines like fasting, prayer, and the reading of God's word to simply taking time during my days - perhaps taking entire days - to simply get alone and listen to Him, I want to get to know Him again as one would begin anew a relationship with an old friend, a lover lost and found again.

If you are reading this, you probably know me, and are thus a part of my life more than you know. Hold me to these things. Help me become the man God wishes for me to be.


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